Tell the JW that choice of religion in a serious matter. Tell him you have read on the internet accusations that the JW's are a high control group. Tell him you certainly don't believe everything you read on the net, however since it is such a crucial matter to your familys sprituality you wonder if he might come back another night (after giving you some time to research) and at least answer any 10 questions you might have about his group. If he has the truth he should not be worried about questions. If he does not or if it is a cult that won't let him think for himself it will be a problem. Tell your husband to make the guy ask the questions.
I don't buy a car without looking to consumer reports to see the reliablity records. I have interviewed every teacher that my daughter has ever used. I interviewed (and dismissed) potential doctors for my daughter. I read reviews of books before I buy on There is no way I would ever talk to anyone about religion again without knowing more about what they believe then they do before the conversation ever started. The JW's will NOT want someone who actually follows the example of the Boreans.
The real problem is that many many witnesses are actually truly very nice people. The guy at your house right now may be a nice person. He may be actually living his life as a Christian. But doctrine does matter. Truth matters. The truth of the matter is that the ORG is like a dead fish, it stinks from the head. I really don't have a problem with most of the witnesses I know, they are nice people. If the GB would allow them to contribute to the Salvation Army, or the Red Cross they would do it in a second. They would love to help elderly people, to help in any kind of volunteer work (ie. soup kitchens, shelters, habitat for humanity) but they are not allowed. Their form of "giving" is going door to door. It really is too bad. It is sad. It is maddening.